Applies to: Microsoft Teams

Last change: 20.02.2020

Problem: Delete cache in Microsoft Teams

  1. First we have to quit the Microsoft Teams Client fully.
    Therefor we do a right-click at the Microsoft Teams Tray Icon and choose "Quit" or we open the Task Manager and kill the process.

  2. We open the File Explorer and type in the path %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams.

  3. Now we delete all files in the following folders:

    • In "application cache" the content of the subfolder "Cache".
    • In "blob_storage"
    • In "Cache".
    • In "databases".
    • In "GPUcache".
    • In "IndexedDB".
    • In "Local Storage".
    • And last in "tmp".

  4. When this is done, we can restart our Teams Client and it should be fully cleaned now.
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