Step 1:

Open the web page to the Outlook Web App and sign in with your email address and the associated password.

Step 2:

  1. Click the bottom left of the calendar.
  2. If you want to create a new appointment, click in the middle of New.
  3. The appointment editor opens. Enter all the required data of the appointment (subject, location, time, ...).
  4. To invite people to this event, click on the top line of the appointment editor on the fourth button from the left. Then receiver lines are added to the appointment editor.
  5. In the oberse line (An) you can enter the email addresses of everyone you want to invite to this event.
  6. Alternatively, you can click on the To button, then open a new window.
  7. Select from the list a contact you want to invite, by clicking, and paste it by clicking on the To button to -> the recipient list. You can now select another contact from the list and add in the same way, the recipient list. In this way, you can create an arbitrarily long list of recipients.
  8. When you have added all contacts to the recipient list, click the lower right OK.
  9. The window closes and the contacts you want to add in the appointment editor of the receiver line.
  10. When all settings have been made according to your wishes, click the top left of Send. The recipients will receive an appointment notification by e-mail and the appointment is added to your calendar.

You can also to existing appointments, invite other people by selecting the appropriate appointment from your Calendar, open by double-clicking the appointment editor. Here is in then again the option to invite people.

Click a date once to display to the right of the time table, the options set for this date. You can change the reminder options or private at any time here.

To change other items of an appointment, click in the Timeline, double-click it. This will open again the appointment editor.

Do not forget to save changes by clicking on Save and Close!

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