Step 1:

Open the web page to the Outlook Web App and sign in with your email address and the associated password.

Step 2:

Top right, click on Options -> create Inbox rule ....

Click to the left to organize e-mail.

On the Inbox Rules tab, click the New button.

A new window opens. In this window you can define the rules. To this end, there are two menus available:
  • In the first menu you determine which criteria an e-mail must meet in order for the rule to apply to you.
    If you want, for example, examine all incoming e-mails on a particular term in the subject line, select this first menu, select Contains these words in the subject line ....

    This will open a new window in the input line, the word you want to search for app. Click on the plus sign to the right to add the word to the list. You can create as an arbitrarily long list of words. When you have added all the words, click OK.

    The window will then close and you return to the window with the two selection menu back to the definition of the rule.
  • In the second menu you specify now what happens to the emails that meet the specified criteria in the first menu.
    If you want, for example, move all filtered messages in a specific folder, click Move to folder message ....

    It re-opens a new window. Here you can select the folder in which the e-mails are to be moved by clicking and confirm with OK.

    If you want to create a new folder, click on an existing folder, then click New Folder, so that the new folder is created as a subfolder. Give the new folder a name and then still confirm your entry with the ENTER key. Then click on OK.

    The window closes and you return to the window with the two selection menu back to the definition of the rule. Click in the lower right window, click Save.

The window closes and you are returned to the main window. Here you get an overview of the rules you have created.

The rules are now active! You can create a rule at any time by clicking on the box to the left of a rule (enable hooks / disable) on or off.

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